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Thursday, February 20, 2014

A Totally Average Totally Imperfect Day

Today I was thinking about how Pinterest and Facebook and Super Bloggers more often than I'd care to admit really give a skewed vision of peoples' lives. Oooh Susie Facebook ran another half-marathon and I have a hard time fitting 90 squats into my day! Susie Pinterest just pinned her Martha Stewart remodel job of her kitchen pantry with labeled clear jars. Wow that jar full of Macaroni also has a fancy label in a frilly font that ALSO says macaroni... in case I ever forget what macaroni looks like and need a reference point! here's a scenario that I am guilty of and I know I'm not alone in this. I sit down on Pinterest etc and read how put together every 'Susie' out there is and instead of just feeling happy for her.... I add on a big ol' pile of self-criticism. "Susie is awesome!! She has 3 kids and just ran a half marathon and had time to bake Organic Qunioa Fish oil Avocado coconut oil goulash for her kids in their homemade knitted sweaters... what is wrong with me? My kids only had cold cereal for breakfast and I haven't worked out in a week and they're lucky if they are dressed before 10 most days. I need to pull myself together I am such a failure!!" (I'm not alone in this right?) And I'm guilty of it myself. I like to think I'm an optimist. So when I post things on Facebook I try to keep my posts positive. "If you can't say something nice... don't say anything at all" Right?!

Well today I was talking to a very dear friend... on the phone... while chaotic mess surrounded me and I ate some yogurt and Goldfish crackers for breakfast... at 10:30 am. I DID get dressed this morning... including putting on a bra... go me! Anyway we were on this topic of trying to be perfect. And realizing that even Susie Pinterest's gorgeously remodeled bathroom is going to get piss all over the floor from her 4 year old "missing" and bathtub rings from not washing the tub EVERY SINGLE TIME SOMEONE BATHS and makeup powder that builds up around the sink. I see lists on Pinterest of what days to clean what to keep your house under control and I think... WHO HAS TIME TO MAKE A PRETTY LIST?! They're probably major procrastinators... because that's what I'd do... Seems legit.

"Ugh, I need to scrub my bathroom because it's a mess... or... Orrr! I could make a list of things that should be scrubbed in the bathroom and make sure it's in a matching font and matches the season we're in and also matches my hair and my bathroom tiles and curtains... oh wait the tile doesn't match the curtains... I better go buy new curtains" And off I go in my van with a mission to find matching curtains and come home with a bag of chips some toilet paper and no luck for matching curtains and the unneccesary and HUGE desire to remodel my entire bathroom all because it really needed to be scrubbed. (and still does)"

Anyway... I wish that we would all just relax. And maybe start posting some real posts. Because hey, I'm guilty of just posting the "AWESOME" days I have. You know, the ones that make you look like Betty Crocker on speed. But I rarely  never post the normal days. Sometimes I'll whine about the REALLY AWFUL DAYS!! You've all seen Susie Facebook post those posts...

"Oh little Johnnie Facebook got into the flour while I was in the shower after my HIIT workout and totally covered my kitchen in it, while little Susie Facebook Jr. drew all over the floor with a permanent marker and pushed her little sister Annie Facebook down the stairs... Here goes a trip the the ER.#Scarface #budding artist #worstdayever #bottleofwineneeded"   

So after this longwinded rant about how I think we should all be nicer to each other and more honest with each other... I decided to post an honest... very average day in the life of me.

I woke up at 8:30 today. Adam had probably been up for an hour or so already. He ALWAYS gets up before me. ALWAYS. Thank heavens for Netflix and my 4 year old's ability to navigate it without my help. I woke up because Caleb was crying and needing to nurse I laid back down in bed to nurse him and faded in and out of consciousness until he was done. Adam came in the room... "Mom can I have a snack?" "Sure bud," I reply "There's some leftover yogurt you didn't finish yesterday in the fridge" Off he goes to finish the yogurt he didn't finish yesterday. Then I get up and get dressed, change Caleb... head downstairs and ask Adam if he wants some breakfast. "Not yet mom, I want to finish my show" "OK, just let me know when you want some breakfast" My sister showed up with my niece, Luana. We're having a play date today because Brittney is going to Cranbrook to get her hair done. Chat with her for a while and explain that it's going to be a watch TV most of the day kind of day because Adam was up every 1/2 to hour all night because of his mouth. (His poor little mouth is filled with canker sores because he's getting his first Cold sore- or Whore Blossom as Dustin likes to call them. The cold sore has caused his entire upper lip to swell up and split. And he's had a fever for 2 days.) The day continued... Adam refused to eat his breakfast which was Toasted Oat O's (a knockoff Cheerio... DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF BUYING KNOCK-OFF CHEERIOS... some things just need to be the real deal) covered in a hearty dose of brown sugar. Then the two kiddo's watched a tonne of TV between playing and generally creating a chaotic mess of My little Ponies crafting supplies, building blocks, and everything in between. I read a book. "Why Gender Matters" By Leonard Sax... for probably an hour or so. Then I checked Facebook. Nursed Caleb and put him to bed. Made some bread dough... heard Caleb screaming... went into his room and he had scratched his head raw. Blood everywhere. Someone murdered a leprechaun I swear... It was all over his shirt, the bed, his hand, his face, the blanket. I was horrified (and only slightly exaggerating) so I cleaned him up and put some Polysporin on it. Noticing as I threw his bloody stuff in the pile of clothes on his floor that I REALLY need to do some of his laundry... which was further pointed out to me when, later on, I decided to put a cap on his head because he was still rubbing his head with his socked hand until it bled. No clean caps/toques... so I just put a jacket on him that has a hood. Still haven't put his laundry in the wash.

Side note: Caleb has wicked Cradle Cap. REALLY GROSS!! Poor guy is always crusty. That's why he scratches it.

My Best friend called. She was having a rough day. We commiserated together about, well about exactly what this post is about and how we feel like we're failing as mothers and embarrassed about how "little" we can handle in a day. After chatting for a while we got off the phone to get back to our duties... and I decided to sit down and write this post. Well my internet is deathly slow so while that was loading I threw some prepackaged chicken in the oven for the kidlets because it was 1:00 already and we hadn't had lunch. Started the post... ate some chicken with the kids... WITH CHOPPED UP CELERY because it's healthy. Hahahaha. Sigh. Continued to write this post. Took a break to nurse Caleb again. Brianne (Brittney's Sister in Law) showed up to pick up Luana so I helped find all the My Little Ponies that she had brought over this morning... all the while making excuses to Brianne as to why my house is a total disaster. She didn't care. In fact she said the house looked nice, since the last time she really saw it it didn't have much for furniture because we had just barely moved in. Thanks Brianne!! Made my day so much better!! Thanks for being kind to me :) And here I am... finishing this post while my over-prouffed bread cooks.. and will be done just in time to be late for Caleb's vaccination appt.

I'm gonna go put on some makeup.. so I look put together for the nurse who's going to jab my baby.

What a strange world we live in.
Yes, the children are a little too close to the tv

How does she live in this mess?!

Look at me! I got dressed today!

You know what? They'll live!!


Monday, February 17, 2014

Adam's first "shave"

We joke in our family about Adam needing to shave by the time he's 6 or so... because, well my husband is part monkey :) So at his last birthday he got a Superman shaving kit from some friends of ours. We all had a good laugh. Dustin helped him "shave" and it was so cute I had to take some pictures to share!
Dustin lathered him up!

Just so cute!

Listening to directions from Daddy

Freshly Shaven!!

Adam's 4th Bird-day!

Well after scouring Pinterest for Pinspiration for Adam I decided on an Angry Birds 'Bird-day' Party for him. He's really been into Angry Birds lately and I thought it would be something really cool. Now one thing I have to say is that Pinterest has kind of turned me into a "Hard-core" mom. I'm not saying this to brag. I almost say it in disgust. I used to scoff when my sister cut cheese with a cookie cutter in a flower shape for her daughters' tea party. "You're so hard-core", I would say with my nose upturned and eyes rolling. Well... I've joined the group. Brittney definitely pointed that out to me at the party.... more than once :)

We started the party out with some colouring pages (Angry Bird of course) and play dough... (We were going to go outside first but it was POURING RAIN!)

Then while the kids were playing we got lunch organized. Nothing crazy. Adam wanted hotdogs and macaroni salad. Bam! Done!
Blowing out the candles! Woop woop!!

I made the cake with Brittney's help with some fondant! Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.

Adam opened his presents! He got some awesome stuff!! An Angry Birds Hot Wheels track, a practice Superman Shaving Kit, some clothes, cars, a real bow and arrow from Grandpa Lansing, a few board games, and some crafting supplies!
We had looked at this particular thing at Walmart. Aunty Brittney bought it for him.
When he opened it he said "Yesss! I always wanted this" Hahaha

I made an Angry Pig pinata but didn't stabilize a string in it to hang it... it ended up busting off so the kids just punched it apart. Hahahaha...

 Then the SUN CAME OUT! So we decided to go outside and brave the weather to try out the sling shot that Dustin Expertly made! The kids loved it!! We knocked over boxes that I had wrapped in paper and drawn on to look like brick, ice, etc. with a set of colourful kickballs that we got on Amazon for a steal! I was going to paint angry bird faces on them but didn't get to it. Meh!

Adam had so much fun! And I'll admit I felt like a million bucks with all the work that I put into it. I sort of get why people get hardcore sometimes. Because it sure pays off when your kid comes down in the morning and sees all your decorations and hard work and says "Wow Mom this looks AWESOME!! You are amazing!! I love all this Angry Bird stuff!!" Yea.... he's feelin' the love! It was a good day!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Pinterest Wins for Christmas!

We had my oldest sister this year for Christmas. Which means gifts for her and her husband and their 5 children. Since Dustin and I bought a house this year money has been a little tight so I decided to make their gifts with things that were relatively cheap to collect and or make with. Here is what I made:

I found this picture under Chisa's Pinterest Board labelled "Things for my Someday House"
I thought... I could make that!

So I looked up a link on how to make paper flowers and away I went with some paint etc. Here's my finished masterpiece..... 
She loved it!

Then I made some soft blocks for her newest addition Archer. He was born exactly a week before Caleb. It was based on this tutorial that I also found on pinterest. 
Here's the link

I pulled out the scraps of flannelette that I had and this is what I made: 
I think they turned out pretty cute!
Then for each of her girls I made them their own pop tap bracelet.... inspired by this photo on pinterest! 

Here's a link to some instructions

These are mine... The purple was for Rayann the Blue for Felicity and the orange for Aurora

For Gage I made a tie... from yet another Pinspired post

Here's a link to the site
Gage's tie!!
I had a blast doing homemade gifts.. even though it came to crunch time with Caleb's due date a few weeks before Christmas. I need to give a huge shout out to my wonderful sister Brittney for sharing her sewing machine and her time with me. Love you to the moon!!!

The Skewompous Christmas Tree!

Well as can be read we had Caleb in the end of November. Dustin and Adam went, the day after we got home from the hospital, to get our Christmas tree. It was a SUPER windy and cold day. Dustin said the ice on some of the trees had frozen sideways... but they braved it anyway.
Adam said they had to walk sideways against the wind

Handsome men

Adam found a "Bow and Arrow" stick while he was out there.

They had to brave mud puddles 4 feet deep!

Pure Joy!

The next day we decorated the tree. When I say we... I really mean Adam and Dustin because I was still drugged out and in major pain from the C-section. When Dustin put on the garland I just laughed because he  just sort of wrapped the tree in it. Most people droop the garland in loops or something but Dustin just wrapped it on. My OCDness was aggravating me until I just reminded myself that it was a labour of love. Dustin and Adam decorated the tree and it's not how I would have done it... but it was decorated nonetheless.


Adam was fascinated with my Nutcracker ornament

He's so handsome isn't he?

Adam took some close ups of his favourite ornaments
More pretty closeups by Adam

Caleb slept. Lazy guy!


I love my family! I'm so grateful that Dustin took over the Christmas decorating this last year or nothing would have gotten done. I want the next baby to be due in like June or something!! 

Adam's first Goodness Jar Party!

Sometime in early November- yes I realize that was a few months ago- Adam filled his Goodness Jar completely and he decided to go Bowling as his reward!

It was lots of fun! We invited my sister and her kids and we bought some dollar store glow stick bracelets and went NEON BOWLING! Here are a few pictures of it all.

Dustin showing him what to do


Me and Brittney!! I didn't bowl... I was sooo prego.
Brittney and Olivia
The Wind-up. He looks so focused.
In action... the ball rolled so slowly