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Friday, October 18, 2013

34 Weeks Pregnancy Tidbits

Was just reading my best friend's blog and she posted all these lovely little tidbits about her pregnancy at this point. It was great! So I'm going to copy her and do the same.(I know, I'm so original)

CRAVINGS: I really haven't had much for cravings this pregnancy at all. I DID make a fabulous new crockpot soup last night though. It was SUPER easy to make.

It was Crockpot Tomato Basil Parmesan Soup... and it kind of rocked my world! ( I can't take credit for the photo... I found the recipe on Pinterest and this picture was attached to it)

 There are definitely things that I avoid. Too much sugar, aggravates my acid reflux times a million. Too much fresh vegetables too. They make me sick. Definitely a Wiebe Spawn. Bread, bread, poutine and more bread.

MOVEMENT: Baby has a particular spot on my belly just above my belly button and to the right that it likes to DIG at. I swear I'm bruised on the inside. Still a fair amount of movement, mostly feels like the baby is stretching as long as it possibly can to take up as much room as possible. Lots of hiccups. I definitely feel like I don't have ANY room left for baby and I still have 6 weeks left. *sigh* I have a few stretch marks but nothing crazy yet. *Fingers Crossed* I have lots of Braxton Hicks contractions... but I've had them since about month 5 so it's not really a big deal... Dustin calls them Briggs and Stratton contractions hahaha.

MOOD: Well, as can be seen by previous posts my mood up until a few weeks ago was generally ANGRY. I don't do pregnancy well. But I've been very proactively trying to be more positive and forgiving of myself and it's made a huge difference. Letting myself take breaks and naps and not feel guilty about my "uselessness". Apparently growing a baby takes as much energy at any given point in time as rock-climbing. I read that in an article at the Dr's office. I take it as fact.

WEIGHT GAIN: I have not kept track of my weight gain at all during this pregnancy, but I do have a Dr.'s appt today so perhaps I will ask today how much weight I have gained, it might be something future Wiebe Spawn may want to know?

** Went to the Doctor and they say I've gained 24.2 lbs. I think that's pretty good?

BABY'S HEART RATE: 115 BPM. My Dr. said "Hm baby is very relaxed right now" In all fairness my heart rate was 110 BPM.

RINGS ON/OFF: Hahaha I laughed when I saw this on my Best Friend's post. My rings have been off since about month 2. I swell like a bugger when prego. Hence the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. PS I have some of the greatest friends. One of my dear friends from here brought me some braces for my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome because she loves me, and she is a Physiotherapist, so she just wrote them off for her business and is letting me borrow them until the end of my pregnancy. They're waaayy better than wrapping my wrists with tensor bandages to sleep.
Who knew that sleeping could look so Bad-ass?

THOUGHTS: When I first got pregnant I was dead set on wanting a boy. But as the pregnancy progresses I am more and more happy about the thought of having a girl as well. We didn't find out what it is... but I can honestly say I am quite happy either way. Almost everyone I talk to is SURE I'm having a girl. Except my dear friend Gill. She's still rooting for the boy! I can't wait to find out.

When I ask Dustin how he's feeling about the pregnancy... if he's excited... he says he's not excited to have to deal with a newborn baby... but he's happy about having another kid. I think he's impartial to be quite honest. But then Dustin's general mode in life is impartialness so I think he's happy about it.

That's it! Little bits about pregnancy life at the moment.

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