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Monday, February 13, 2017

Adam's 7th Birthday Interview!

A couple days before Adam's first birthday I sat down and asked him a few questions. Here are his replies!
Question: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Answer: I want to work at Denmark because anything you build can become lego. Dang it, Why'd I say that? I want to work at Wynndel Mill.

Q: Who is your best friend?
A: D-A-N no not Dan (as he reads it) Danae!

Q: What is your favourite Book?
A: Harry Potter

Q: What is your favourite toy?
A: Lego

Q: What new skill would you like to learn and when do you think you'll do it?
A: How to make better snowforts and I'll learn it maybe in a couple weekends.

Q: What are some things you want to do this year?
A: Go on a family picnic this spring after it's winter and I, we'll stay there for a while and enjoy the time.

Q: What talent do you want to develop this year?
A: I have two: Reading and Running

Q: What is the best thing about you?
A: That I am alive and good at reading

Q: What is something you wish you were better at?
A: Snowboarding...on crazy carpets

Q: What do you want for your birthday?
A: Giant Lego!!!

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