I don't know if this appeals to anyone but I'd like to keep a record of the process. Tuesday the 26th I started having regular contractions (every 1/2 hr I'd have at least one sometimes 2... by 10 o'clock that night they were 8-10 minutes apart. So I sat and waited and laboured I guess while everyone else slept. By 1 am they were 4-5 minutes apart and quite persistent so I woke up Dustin and we packed up Adam and took him over to my sister, Brittney's house.
Check in at the hospital all is going well we laboured through the night. When Dr. Campbell came in in the morning she checked me and I was 3 cms! Hooray! I was so worried at that point that I'd be like 1 cm dilated or something. So we kept going. By that afternoon I was exhausted and trying to nap in between contractions. Dr. Campbell came back in the late afternoon and checked... still no change. We decided to keep trying... so a few hours later she came back and checked again. I was 3 1/2 cms. Woooo... a whole 1/2 a cm in a day. Because Adam's labour was 44 hours and ended up in a C-section for not progressing anyways, we decided to go to C-section at that point because I did not want to do another 44 hours just to end up at C-section anyway. So Dr. Campbell called in the team and we started getting prepped for surgery. (Including taking off the sparkly red nailpolish I had painted out of boredom the day before haha) Just before they came to get Dustin all geared up in some scrubs my water broke. (Of Course) The contractions definitely intensified but we went through with the C-Section anyway. Dr. Oberleitner performed the surgery and Dr. LeRoux did the anaesthesia. I was definitely more aware of what was going on during this C-section compared to Adam. I didn't feel quite so high and out of control. We sat and waited and Kriegler (Dr. LeRoux) gave us play by plays... "They're cutting you now".... "It's looking good" .... "Oh. I see some hair... lots of hair!" .... "Big baby".... "It's a boy". HOORAY!! We were both quite happy to hear it was a boy. We both sort of secretly (Well Dustin not so secretly) wanted a boy. Even though at the end I was pretty certain it was going to be a girl. A few seconds later we heard his little newborn cries and I sent Dustin over to take some pictures... (Which he has on his phone) Then they brought him over to me and laid him on my chest. He had the biggest scowl on his face that I've ever seen. Hahaha it was cute. We snapped a few pictures and they whisked him away to finish their assessment.
After spending my time in the recovery room they rolled me up to our room and Dustin was waiting there holding him. We were in a bit of a conundrum because we hadn't really decided on a boy name. We were fairly set on Will Gordon Wiebe but when we looked at him it just didn't fit at all. Dustin said he thought about perhaps Caleb while I was in the recovery room and at first I really wasn't sure about it. (Just a note I've always loved the name Caleb but Dustin never liked it. He was bullied by a kid named Caleb when he was younger) I think I just needed to let go of Will because we had been fairly set on it. So by the next morning we talked about it and decided assuredly on Caleb Michael Wiebe. Our second son. Weighing in at 8 lbs 13 oz. Born at 6:55 on Nov 27th. And we couldn't be happier!! :)
Caleb in his Hospital Crib. He looks very much like Adam did at birth. It's crazy!
Adam is super stoked to be holding Caleb for the first time. This was 11 days after Caleb was born
He was rocking him.
I don't have many pictures of Caleb and I at the Hospital because Dustin took them on his phone. I'll try and post some more later if I can figure out how to get them off of his phone.
I also wanted to note that Dr. Oberleitner said that it looked like only the top half of my uterus was actually engaged in the labour. The bottom half was still thick and rubbery (his words) So he suggested that next baby we plan on just a C-section as it appears that my uterus has some sort of malfunction. So when we decide to go for Spawn #3 we'll keep that in mind and I won't have to necessarily go through labour ever again! Woop woop. But bummer for another C-Section. They're pretty rough to heal from. Especially when the Uterine lining gets infected and you have a massive flare up of your pilonidal sinus... Oi. The last week has been a bit rough... but I'm getting better every day.
********** UPDATE **************
Here's the promised pics from Dustin's phone: