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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kudos to the Supermoms!

So we took Adam in for his 6 MONTH CHECKUP yesterday. And it appears that life is flashing before my eyes. So I got a little nostalgic (yes I'm nostalgic already and he's only 6 months old... I'm hooped) And I was looking at pictures... and ummm he was so small!

I couldn't believe it! Which only made me more nostalgic. And I started thinking... I need to take more pictures and videos and do all that "mom stuff". I gotta be more on the ball!!

And as the worry and thought's of falling short as a mother grew and snowballed... I finally came to realize.... (through the help of my big sister) That I'm the kind of mom I am. I may not be a picture taker or a video director, or a scrapbooker, or a trendy-up-to-date-on-all-the-baby-crap-you-can-buy-your-kid mom, but I'm a mom nonetheless.

(Adam a day old)

But!! I have other qualities! I sing to Adam! Always!!

Hahaha in fact maybe too much. (I was singing some phantom of the opera... hit the high notes ... or rather didn't hit them... and Adam started crying... HAHAHAHA ooops! Sorry kiddo)

I tell GREAT stories. Or at least he thinks so!

I know ALL his ticklish spots. And I can make him start giggling just by looking at him a certain way!

I keep a pretty darn good journal!


I blog! Or rather just started blogging!

Most of all I'm here for him. So, maybe I need to improve on keeping record of him. But I like to think I'm doing an ok job of just living in the moment with him. Maybe I'll kick myself in the future for not keeping as much of the physical stuff but OH WELL.
SO Kudos to you mom's who do it all!!!
(Ali and Adam a few weeks ago..... hehehe Chubbo)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The beginning~

Well I've been inspired to start a family blog. Seems to be all the rage lately. So here it is. Our little family began in 2002 when my parents decided we were going to move to Creston. I vehemently refused, (by giving a two week long silent treatment) However as a teenager you have no say in these things. So we came and, of course, I'm immensely grateful we did. I met Dustin. .......

(Grad year... the happy couple)

I was smitten the first time I saw him. Gym class. Baseball. Sleeveless black shirt. Super tanned... ..... ..... moving on! We actually didn't start dating until 2005. Until that point we were great friends. And you know they say the best of friends make the best of lovers. Cliche perhaps BUT true :)

Through many highs and lows, we travelled, and in Feb 2006 he proposed!

(One of our engagement pics!)

We were married on Sept 16th that year. After spending that first year together we had one of the greatest days of our life. The day we were sealed in the Cardston AB temple. (Which is where he proposed to me btw) We thought we couldn't be happier! But we were wrong.

On Jan 4th 2010 the most beautiful perfect blessing was given to us. Adam Joshua Wiebe.

And that marks the beginning of our little family.